Today is the first day of Mindset 90! Am I the only one who’s excited?! Not just because this is a challenge that I made ha, but because I know the potential of a 90 day challenge. I know good intentions, mixed with a strong why, better habits, strategy, and taking action can change your life. SO, knowing that it is a FACT that I will ultimately be BETTER on day 90 than I was on day 1 makes me want to really give this thing my all. I hope you feel the same way too.
So let’s go over the 5 STEPS you need to take to ensure that you get the most out of Mindset 90.
step 1: Establish your why
We’ve all heard it before. “You need a why that make’s you cry.” Something along those lines… I wouldn’t say your why needs to make you cry but it needs to be deep and strong. A surface level why would be “I took this challenge because I want to look good in a bikini” or “I want to lose 45lbs”. That may very well be a reason why you took the Mindset 90 challenge but if I can be honest… that won’t be enough to keep you going when you’re ready to throw in the towel.
WHY do you want to look good in a bikini? Is it because you can’t look at yourself in the mirror? Is it because you legit cry every time you look at your body and how it’s changed over the years? Do you want to be able to fit into your clothes again and actually feel beautiful? Do you want to take pictures and not pick at every little imperfection? So instead of your why being “I want to look good in a bikini.” maybe it really is “I want to feel comfortable and confident in my own skin and anything that I choose to wear.”
Another why I hear is “I took this challenge for my kids.” That is a GREAT why but it isn’t as deep as it could be. What about your kids makes you want to strengthen your mindset around health and how you react to life? Is is that you want to be able to run around and play with your kids without getting winded or are you too tired to even run around with them? Is it that you want to be alive and functioning when they’re older? Is it that you’re tired of being that hot mess depressed mama and you just want to be organized and happy?
SIDE NOTE: We’ve already understood that as mothers (and humans in general) we will NEVER be perfect, but can we at least choose to be happy?
–Your kids are an amazing WHY, but I want to challenge you to go deeper into why they are. This is a great journal exercise.
JOURNAL: Why did I the Mindset 90 Challenge? What is my deeper why? What do I need to tell myself so that I keep going?
step 2: establish achievable and realistic goals for yourself
We really can’t get to where we’re going if we don’t even know where that is. This is why it’s important to set goals for yourself. Now, I’m a faith girl all the way and I know that anything is possible with God *inserts amen* however, I want to set realistic goals for myself so I’m not grinding my gears trying to achieve something that may not be feasible for this particular season. So bust out journal and start setting those goals. They need to acheivable, realistic, oh and SMART. If you haven’t heard of S.M.A.R.T goals then I’m happy to share.
SMART stands for:
Specific-they are clear and direct.
Measurable-helps in creating objectives to reach the goal.
Action-oriented-they are something to work towards.
Realistic-they need to be something that can be obtained.
Timely-you should set time limits and try to stick to them.
Now that we have a pretty good idea of the kind of goals we should set for ourselves, it’s time to figure out what those goals are! We’ve got 3 months so decided what your desired outcome is and different milestones along the way.
JOURNAL: Write out the goals you would like to achieve for Mindset 90.
step 3: create a plan
This is honestly one of the most important steps that I think a lot of people forget when they’re goal setting. We have all of these dope goals, they might even be SMART but that’s it. We just establish the goals and hope for the best. NO BOO WE NEED A PLAN. Let me walk you through an effective game plan strategy.
So we already established our S.M.A.R.T. goals. Now we need to bust out our journal and planner. Decide when you would like to achieve the ultimate goal (it’s okay if you achieve this goal before or after this date this is just to help make it measurable). Now we’re going to establish our milestones. So if my ultimate goal is to gain 10lb of muscles by Jan 1, 2021, I’m going to shoot to gain 5lbs of muscle by Nov 15th and another 5lbs by Dec 30th.
Next, I need to figure out what needs to happen for me to reach that goal. Clearly I need to make sure I’m eating the right foods and enough of it. I also need to make sure I’m training progressively. To ensure that I reach my first milestone I’m going to mix meal planning and meal prepping. I’m also going to create a progressive fitness plan for myself (progressive basically means the intensity increases overtime to help me reach my desired goal). These are the things that need to happen in order for me to get to my goal.
We know what needs to happen but let’s get even more microscopic with it. What are the actions that need to take place for you to achieve the goal? In order for me to reach my goal I would have to stay consistent with my nutrition and fitness. So setting a day to meal plan and actually do it. I’ll need to set my workout times and set alarms/reminders for myself so that I actually do it. I’ll need to stretch, drink plenty of water, get sleep. Figure out what you have to actually DO in order for you to walk this thing out.
The last piece to the puzzle is to plug our gameplan into our schedule and follow through. Ill attach a link to my favorite planner here. It really helps me get super focused, specific and clear on what it is I’m trying to accomplish. I’m also a step by step by step kind of gal (that’s why most of my blogging is step-by-step style!). So if you’re like me then you’ll love it.
Something that I do to ensure that I follow through is I plan my weeks on Sunday and I plan EACH & EVERY DAY by the hour. This keeps me focused and on track! Of course my days don’t always go as planned but they’re so much more productive when I develop a plan.
I’ll also share my favorite planner and wall calendar with ya!
step 4: self care – don’t forget to take care of you
It’s the SELF CARE for me, boo. What we need so much of but we often forget. I used to have that GRIND mentality. That “I’ll rest when I’m dead” mindset because I thought that’s what it took to be successful. Ya girl had it all wrong. Since I’ve prioritized rest, self care, taking breaks, and simply having fun I’ve gotten 10x more productive and I’ve haven’t had nearly as much burn outs or melt downs. So take care of you beautiful. Go get a mani pedi, read your favorite book, watch your favorite movie with you family or boo, go for a walk, take a bubble bath. Whatever you do make sure you’re taking a step back and really taking care of your most important investment, you.
step 5: do the work and don’t quit
Now it’s time to get it poppin! We’ve set out S.M.A.R.T. goals, established our milestones and action steps, and we’ve plugged it all into our planner/calendar. All that’s left is to get to work! Make these next 90 days your best yet and make them FUN. We can have fun while we work on ourselves and crush our goals!
“this was great, but i think i need more support.”
Maybe this helped you understand what needs to happen for you to really go all in with Mindset 90 but you still need support on actually getting it done. That’s what I’m here for love! If you’re needing the next level of support then you’re going to want to hop on my next group coaching program (There are five 1:1 spots available) CHOOSE YOU EVERYDAY starting November 8th!
A 12-week group coaching experience that transforms women by restoring their physical, mental, and spiritual health through mindset and time management tactics, and self love practices, so you can start feeling like yourself again.
Tell me if this is you:
You desperately want to improve your mental, physical, and spiritual health but have no idea where to start.
The words: “I can’t..”, “It’s not the right time”, “Maybe next week/month/year”, and “I’m not good enough” come out of your mouth or cross your mind entirely too much whenever you attempt to try something new.
You need some consistent accountability to help you build up your momentum so you can start seeing those results.
You’re over the stress of dieting and counting calories.
You hate working out by yourself. You want to get to a place where you’re comfortable but right now, you’re not there yet.
This program is best suited for:
The mama who has been busting her butt taking care of her house, her kids, her relationship, everyone and everything except her. She’s tired of not feeling like herself...
The woman who has tried diet after diet but still doesn’t know what “healthy” is.
Hot mess mommas who are tired of being a hot mess and want to get intentional about their time and their health so they can show up for themselves and their family.
The woman who wants to learn how to love herself so that she can truly be happy and get out of her cycle of sadness, lack of self worth, and low self esteem.
Busy moms who want to be more than busy. Busy moms who want to be productive, intentional, and healthy so they can be a better example for their family.
Coach Ki’s Step By Step System
After choose you everyday you will:
Have a stronger more empowered mindset that will help you continually overcome the obstacles life throws at you.
Have a healthy relationship with food and will understand how to prioritize foods that serve you over food that hurts you.
Understand how to workout more effectively, and feel confident whether you’re working out by yourself or in a group.
Consistently prioritize your self care and me time so you can show up for you, your family, and you life every single day.
Feel confident, sure of yourself, and beautiful in your own skin.
“yes, i need all of this!”
If this everything (and some) that you need to start feeling like you again and you’re ready to invest in a solution, schedule a free 20 minute Discovery Call with me! I would love to get to know you more on a deeper level – I know Choose You Everyday will help you get the results you desire, keep them, and give you the tools to help you live a sustainable healthy lifestyle.
DAY 1 was amazing, if this helped you PLEASE let me know my dear! Share this posting on social and let me know what your biggest takeaway was. Be sure to tag me too so I can see!
I pray for peace, ease, and joy over the rest of your week. God bless you babes!
-Coach Ki